Monday, May 22, 2017

Chesapeake nursing home faces wrongful death lawsuit; 3rd suit filed against the facility in 5 months

The family of a 73-year-old woman who died last year is suing a Deep Creek nursing home, alleging the staff there didn’t properly monitor and care for a bedsore, leading to her death.
This is the third lawsuit filed against Carrington Place in Chesapeake in the last five months.
Carrington Place did not return a request Friday for comment about the most recent suit.
According to court documents, Bessie Shealey was recovering from a broken femur in May 2016 and previously had pressure ulcers, known as bedsores, which put her at risk for a recurrence. Shealey needed the nursing home staff’s help will all aspects of daily living, from supervision while eating to hygiene to monitoring her medical condition, the lawsuit says.
On Sept. 15, the nursing chart shows Shealey had remnants of an almost-healed bedsore on her lower back, about the size of a pinpoint, the suit says. Within a week, it had grown and “significantly deteriorated” to a stage three on a four-point scale, according to the lawsuit filed this month in Circuit Court.
The wound eventually went to the bone and became infected, leading to sepsis, said Carlton Bennett, the attorney for Shealey’s family. Shealey died in October.
Bennett said the nursing home didn’t manage Shealey’s pain for her broken femur and didn’t reposition her to prevent the bedsore from growing.
“They could have prevented this in a number of ways,” Bennett said. “… They just let her lay there.”
The suit also alleges that Carrington Place staff didn’t treat Shealey with a wound care solution ordered by her doctor. Nursing staff treated her with iodine compounds, to which she was allergic, the suit alleges. Iodine compounds can cause chemical burns and delay the healing of bedsores, the suit says.
Shealey’s family is seeking $4 million.
Carrington Place currently is facing two other lawsuits stemming from a separate incident in May 2016.
A former resident and her daughter sued the facility in December, alleging that nurses tied the former resident to her wheelchair with bedsheets and injected her with a narcotic sedative to “silence” her. The suit alleges one other resident was tied down and that the facility fired staff nurses who reported it.
The facility’s management company has denied the allegations.
Three fired nurses filed their own suit against the nursing home in February.

Location: United States


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