Sunday, May 28, 2017

Show, don't tell, how drunk driving cuts life short

 — Chester Academy gave a dramatic presentation of just how far wrong even an exuberant and joyous celebration can go.

Driving while intoxicated produces scenes of horror that can be prevented easily with sound judgment and prudent decisions about who gets behind the wheel. In their outdoor performance, students and local first responders play roles in prom night tragedy, showing the grusome aftermath of a drunk driving accident, with blood-spattered finery and a figure, still as death, under a sheet.

Explaining with words, spoken or written, the cause of such tragedies can be convincing. But seeing, and hearing, the aftermath has a special power.

School officials and first responders hope the scene will still be vivid when young people headed to a party, back home, or anywhere else must decide: Who gets the key?
Location: United States


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